Conference Paper (Czech conference)
Microalgal Growth Problem for the Photosynthetitc Factory and its Optimization: An Overview and Further Analysis
: Workshop Perspektivní projekty vývoje řidicích a senzorických technologií září 2012 Sborník příspěvků, p. 3-12
: Workshop Perspektivní projekty vývoje řidicích a senzorických technologií, (Velké Karlovice, CZ, 05.09.2012-07.09.2012)
: GAP103/12/1794, GA ČR
: Microalgae, optimal control, photosynthetic factory, bilinear systems
(eng): The overview of the micro-algal growth problem for the photosynthetic factory and its optimal control solution is presented here. First, the model description and its properties like Haldan steady state dynamics, light integration property and the forward invariance of the set of biologically well-de ned states are described. This shows that the model meets basic experimentally based requirements. Further, its optimal control problem is formulated and solved analytically for the one dimensional singular perturbation based reduction. Properties of the optimal control for the reduced model are discussed and compared with some experimental observations. Among them, the general biotechnological paradigm that on large time intervals the optimal solution is, in certain sense, almost constant, is substantiated. As a new original result of this paper, the explicit solvable di erentiable equation for the unsaturated part of the optimal control is derived.
: BC