Journal Article
Efficient transformation of use case main success scenario steps into bussiness object relation (BORM) diagrams for effective bussiness process requirement analysis
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: AD ALTA vol.2, 1 (2012), p. 86-88
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: Business process requirement Analysis, UCBTA Algorithm, UCBTA Transition Rules, Use Case Main Success Scenario Steps, BORM Diagrams
(eng): The basic part of an innovative and modern approach to business process requirement analysis which is based on the simultaneous utilization of UML Use Case approach and the Business Object Relation Modelling approach is analyzed in the present paper. Precisely the transition rules by which the Use Case Main Success Scenario steps are converted into to a BORM diagram, entitled as the Use Case To BORM Transformation Algorithm (UCBTA) transition rules, are presented as a pattern based method which leads to the effective and efficient business process requirement analysis.
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