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Conference Paper (international conference)

Image analysis in modern ophthalmology: from acquisition to computer assisted diagnosis and telemedicine

Marrugo A., Millán M. S., Cristóbal G., Gabarda S., Šorel Michal, Šroubek Filip

: Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II

: Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II, (Brussels, BE, 17.04.2012-18.04.2012)

: 1M0572, GA MŠk

: computer-aided diagnosis, medical image, retinal image, telemedicine

: 10.1117/12.921299

: analysis in modern ophthalmology from acquisition to computer assisted diagnosis and telemedicine.pdf

(eng): Medical digital imaging has become a key element of modern health care procedures. It provides visual docu- mentation and a permanent record for the patients, and most important the ability to extract information about many diseases. Modern ophthalmology thrives and develops on the advances in digital imaging and computing power. In this work we present an overview of recent image processing techniques proposed by the authors in the area of digital eye fundus photography. Our applications range from retinal image quality assessment to image restoration via blind deconvolution and visualization of structural changes in time between patient visits. All proposed within a framework for improving and assisting the medical practice and the forthcoming scenario of the information chain in telemedicine.

: JD