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Conference Paper (international conference)

Evaluation of Expected Consequences of a Nuclear Power Plant Accident using Sequential Monte Carlo

Hofman Radek, Šmídl Václav

: XXXIII Dni radiačnej ochrany, p. 111-112

: XXXIII Dni radiačnej ochrany, (Štiavnické Vrchy, SK, 07.11.2011-11.11.2011)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: data assimilation, particle filtering, dispersion modelling

(eng): We are concerned with probabilistic evaluation of consequences of an incident for support of appointed decision makers. Specifically, we consider scenario with an accidental release of radioactive material from a nuclear power station into the atmosphere. In such a case, the decision makers are expected to make decisions about possible countermeasures such as iodization or evacuation of the population.

: DL