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Conference Paper (international conference)

On Two Approaches to Evidential Network Construction

Vejnarová Jiřina

: Proceedigs of 13h Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis amd Decision Making in Service Science, p. 37-42

: Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty /13./, (Otaru, JP, 03.11.2010-05.11.2010)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 2C06019, GA MŠk, IAA100750603, GA AV ČR, GA201/09/1891, GA ČR

: belief network, conditional independence, conjunctive combination rule

: two approaches to evidential network construction.pdf

(eng): We compare two approaches to the construction of belief networks in the framework of evidence theory. We show that belief networks reconstructed from multidimensional models based on recently introduced operator of composition of basic assignments have similar structural properties to Bayesian networks. On the other hand, it is not valid for previously proposed directed evidential networks by Ben Yaghlane at al. The difference between the structural properties of models based on these two approaches is illustrated by a simple example.

: BA