Conference Paper (international conference)
Decentralized Resilient H-infinity Observer-based Control for a Class of Uncertain Interconnected Networked Systems
: Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, p. 1338-1343
: American Control Conference 2010, (Batimore, US, 30.06.2010-02.07.2010)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: IAA200750802, GA AV ČR
: decentralized control, networked control systems, uncertain systems
(eng): An approach to decentralized resilient networked robustly exponentially stabilizing with H-infinity-norm bound gamma observer-based controller is proposed for a class of uncertain symmetric composite continuous-time systems with nonlinearities. Such systems are composed of identical nominal subsystems, symmetric nominal interconnecitons, norm-bounded parameter uncertainties, and nonlinear perturbations.
: BC