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Conference Paper (international conference)

Analytical design of the Acrobot exponential tracking with applicationt to its walking

Anderle Milan, Čelikovský S.

: Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, p. 163-168

: Seventh IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, (Christchurch, NZ, 09.12.2009-11.12.2009)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA102/08/0186, GA ČR

: Acrobot, walking robots, partial exact feedback linearization, tracking

(eng): This paper aims to further improve previously developed design for the Acrobot walking based on the partial exact feedback linearization of order 3. Namely, such an exact system transformation leads to an almost linear system where error dynamics along trajectory to be tracked is a 4 dimensional linear time varying system having 3 time varying entries only, the remaining entries are either zero or equal to one. Previously, the exponentially stable tracking was obtained by solving quadratic stability of a linear system with polytopic uncertainty applying LMI methods to solve this problem numerically. Here, the new approach is presented allowing to design the tracking feedback and to prove the corresponding stability completely analytically. Moreover, this approach gives even better results than the LMI based one in the sense of the convergence speed.

(cze): Článek navrhuje metodu, včetně důkazu, jak exponenciálně sledovat trajektorii Acrobota. Jádrem je využití přesné transformace do tvaru vhodného pro návrh, tj. tzv. přesné částečné zpětnovazební linearizace. Toto je pak využito k návrhu chůze kráčejícíh robotů. Metoda je simulačně ověřena o předvedena.

: BC