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Journal Article

Checking proportional rates in the two-sample transformation model

Kraus David

: Kybernetika vol.45, 2 (2009), p. 261-278

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: IAA101120604, GA AV ČR, 1M06047, GA MŠk

: Neyman's smooth tets, proportional hazards, proportional odds

: proportional rates in the two-sample transformation model.pdf

(eng): Transformation models for two samples of censored data are considered. Main examples are the proportional hazards and proportional odds model. The key assumption of these models is that the ratio of transformation rates (hazard rates or odds rates) is constant in time. A method of verification of this proportionality assumption is developed. The proposed procedure is based on the idea of Neyman’s smooth test and its data-driven version. The method is suitable for detecting monotonic as well as nonmonotonic ratios of rates.

(cze): V rámci statistické analýzy přežití jsou uvažovány modely s proporcionálním rizikem. Je navržen test proporcionality založený na idei Neymanova testu, tj. na uvažování funkcionálních alternativ. Je zkoumána adaptivní verze výběru alternativ a vlastnosti těchto testů.

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