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Conference Paper (international conference)

Partial exact linearization design for the Acrobat walking

Čelikovský Sergej, Zikmund Jiří, Moog C.

: Preprints of the 2008 American Control Conference, p. 874-879

: 2008 ACC, (Seattle, US, 11.06.2008-13.06.2008)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA102/08/0186, GA ČR, LA298, GA MŠk

: Mechanical Systems, exact feedback linearization, underactuated system, walking robots

(eng): A new control concept for a class of simple underactuated mechanical system, the so-called Acrobot, is presented here. Despite being seemingly a simple system, the acrobot comprises many important difficulties when controlling the most challenging underactuated system - the walking robot. This paper presents the design of the asymptotical tracking of the prescribed trajectory generated by a suitable openloop input of the acrobot. Such a design is based on the partial exact linearization of the third order combined with a certain robust stabilization technique. The proposed control is then demonstrated by the exponential tracking of the walkinglike trajectory of the acrobot. Besides theoretical proofs, our approach is supported by numerical simulations and illustrated by acrobot movement animations.

(cze): Článek se zabývá částečnou přesnou linearizací a jejím využitím k návrhu chůze jednoduchého robota. Obsahuje i návrh trajektorie chůze a její zpětnovazebnou stabilizaci, včetně Ljapunovského důkazu robustní stability.

: BC