Conference Paper (international conference)
Statistical analysis in a model of partial repairrs
: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing, p. 115-120
: ALT'2008-- 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing, (Bordeaux, FR, 09.06.2008-11.06.2008)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 1M06047, GA MŠk
: reliability, repairable system, imperfect repair
(eng): The objective of the present contribution is to study and specify the methods of statistical analysis for the Dorado et al (1993) model. Namely, the main attention concerns to simultaneous estimation of parameters of underlying lifetime distribution and the characteristics of repair model. It is shown that the MLE approach is in general applicable, with consistent results, however that there are non-regular cases, too, when the joint estimation is problematic. For such cases the sequential estimation of lifetime distribution and repair model characteristics is proposed.
(cze): Cílem práce je navrhnout a prověřit metody pro statistickou analýzu v modelu spolehlivosti s uvažováním nedokonalých oprav dle dorado et al (1993). Metoda MVO je uplatněna na odhadování parametrů distribuce životnosti i charakteristik oprav či degradace, ale protože věrohodnostní funkce je plochá, je navržena a na simulovaných datech vyzkoušena metoda dvoukrokové analýzy.
: BB