Monography Chapter
Study on Knowledge and Decision Making
: Intelligent Engineering Systems and Computational Cybernetics, p. 76-89 , Eds: Machado J. A. T., Pátkai Béla, Rudas I. J.
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: knowledge, decision making, GIS
(eng): The paper deals with knowledge transformation process on the background of geospatial data modelling and discusses the possibilities of the context use as a reflection of the system of understanding. The problem of the relation to the decision support system is addressed and GIS as a tool dealing with all phases of knowledge structure. The paper shows that with the development of the Web services architecture there is a clear trend towards GIS becoming more open, robust and interoperable.
(cze): Článek se zabývá znalostí změny procesů na pozadí modelování geospaciálníh dat a zvažuje možnosti použití kontextu jako odraz porozumění systému.
: EB