Journal Article
On finite sequences conditionally uniform given minima and maxima
, , ,
: Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics vol.66, 3 (2004), p. 428-439
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: IAA275105, GA AV ČR, VS96008, GA MŠk
: aggregate measures, exchangeability, finite forms of de Finetti-type theorems
(eng): Conditionings in a finite sequence of N real random variables by its maximum and by its maximum together with minimum are considered. If the sequence is conditionally uniform in a very general sense with respect to a reference Borel measure then a shorter subsequence of n variables can be well approximated, in the variation distance, by a mixture of powers of restrictions of the measure. These finite de Finetti type results can be used to obtain integral representations of infinite sequences.
(cze): Pro posloupnosti, které jsou rovnoměrné za podmínky minim a maxim ve velice obecném smyslu, byly dokázány věty deFinettiho typu. Tyto věty pak umožňují integrální aproximace distribucí nekonečných posloupností
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