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Conference Paper (international conference)

New algorithm for doubly coprime factorization based on ordered real Schur form

Lidinský J., Hromčík M., Šebek Michael

: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, p. 1-6

: IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation /12./, (Kusadasi, TR, 06.06.2004-09.06.2004)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: ME 496, GA MŠk

: rational matrices, factorization, pole assignment

(eng): Abstract˙A new algorithm for the doubly coprime factor-ization over the ring of stable proper rational matrices is presented in this report. The method is based on the state-space description of the involved rational functions and relies on previously published algorithms for pole assignment and for the left-to-right matrix fraction conversion by Varga [3], [2]. Numerical properties are demonstrated by means of examples and numerical experiments.

(cze): Nový algoritmus pro " faktorizace nad okruhem stabilních ryzích racionálních funkcí a matic je predmetem tohoto clánku. Nová metoda je zalozena na stavovém popisu a vyuzívá dríve publikovaných algoritmu A. Vargy pro prirazení polu a LF-RF konverzi. Numericke vlastnosti jsou ukázány na príkladu

: 09I

: BC