Journal Article
Statistically based continuum model of dislocation cell structure formation
, ,
: Physical Review. B vol.75, 2 (2007), p. 1-14
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: IAA1075402, GA AV ČR
: dislocation, dissipation
(eng): Within the framework of continuum mechanics, the formation of misoriented dislocation cells can be explained as a result of a trend to reduce the energetically costly hardening in multi slip by decreasing locally the number of active slip systems. In the standard (local) approach, the continuum theory predicts an infinitesimally small cell size. The finite size of real cells is controlled by short-range dislocation interactions: (i) the self-force of the curved dislocations, (ii) the short-range correlation among dislocations. Within the proposed framework the cell size is a result of a compromise: bulk strain and dissipative energy tends to decrease the size, while short-range interactions restrict that tendency. In the present paper the non-local effects are analyzed using a model of an infinite crystal deformed by symmetric double slip, where plastic strain is carried by straight, parallel, edge dislocations. The constitutive equations of the model are derived from the statistical mechanics description of collective behavior of dislocations. The non-local effects are represented by the short-range correlation among dislocations.
(cze): V rámci mechaniky kontinua se dá vznik dislokačních buněk vysvětlit jako snaha obejít energeticky náročné zpevnění v multiskluzu pomocí redukce aktivních skluzových systemů. Članek analyzuje nelokální interakce, které se podílejí na vzniku dislokací. Kostitutivní rovnice byly odvozeny ze statistické mechaniky.
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: BM