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Journal Article

Building Road-Sign Classifiers Using a Trainable Similarity Measure

Paclík P., Novovičová Jana, Duin R.P.W.

: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol.7, 3 (2006), p. 309-321

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: IAA2075302, GA AV ČR, 507752, EC

: classifier system design, road-sign classification, similarity data representation


(eng): A frequently used strategy for road sign classification is based on the normalized cross-correlation similarity to class prototypes followed by the nearest neighbor classifier. Because of the global nature of the cross-correlation similarity, this method suffers from presence of uninformative pixels (caused e.g. by occlusions), and is computationally demanding. In this paper, a novel concept of a trainable similarity measure is introduced which alleviates these shortcomings. The similarity is based on individual matches in a set of local image regions. The set of regions, relevant for a particular similarity assessment, is refined by the training process. It is illustrated on a set of experiments with road sign classification problems that the trainable similarity yields high-performance data representations and classifiers. Apart from a multi-class classification accuracy, also non-sign rejection capability, and computational demands in execution are discussed. It appears that the trainable similarity representation alleviates some difficulties of other algorithms, currently used in road sign classification.

(cze): Návrh klasifikátoru dopravních značek založeného na podobnosti zkoumaného objektu ke třídě značek reprezentované vždy typickou značkou (prototype-based rule). Navržen algoritmus založený na trénování podle množiny prototypů (trainable similarity). Experimenty na několika datových souborech ilustrují vyšší účinnost klasifikátoru v porovnání s klasifikátory až dosud používanými pro klasifikaci značek. Byly testovány i další vlastnosti navrženého klasifikátoru jako robustnost a časová náročnost.

: 09K, 12B, 09J

: BB