Journal Article
Modelling of microstructure and its evolution in shape-memory-alloy single crystals, in particular in CuALNi
, ,
: Meccanica vol.40, p. 389-418
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: IAA1075402, GA AV ČR, MRTN-CT-2004-505226, XE, GA201/03/0934, GA ČR
: young measures, laminatesrate-independent evolution, rate-independent evolution, cubic-to-orthorhombic transformation
(eng): A continuum-mechanical description of the stored energyin shape memory alloys is presented. A rate- independent phenomenological dissipation is then considered to model a hysteretic response. Isothermal simulations with cuALNi single crystal are shown.
(cze): Pomocí mechaniky kontinua popisujeme uloženou a disipovanou energii. Uvažujeme rychlostně nezávislou disipaci a modelujeme tak hysterezi v materiálu. Metoda je testována na příkladu slitiny CuAlNi.
: 12A
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