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Dulík T., Křivka Z., Kadlec Jiří, Bližňák M., Budíková V., Jirák O., Olšarová N., Trbušek J., Vašíček Z.
Virtuální laboratoř pro vývoj aplikací s mikroprocesory a FPGA,
(Brno 2011)
Kadlec Jiří
In-circuit, Run-time Compiler of Finite State Machines for the UTIA EdkDSP Customizable Accelerators
Fourth Friday Workshop on Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications, p. 32-33
, Eds: Silvano Cristina, Agosta Giovanni, Cardoso Joao,
DATE 2012 - Design Automation and Test in Europe conference and exhibition,
(Dresden, DE, 12.03.2012-16.03.2012) [2012]
Kadlec Jiří, Daněk Martin, Kohout Lukáš
Proposed architecture of configurable, adaptable SoC
The IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference ISSC 2008, p. 368-373
, Eds: Morgan Fearghal, Glavin Martin, Jones Edward,
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Irish Signals and Systems Conference, ISSC 2008,
(Galway, IE, 18.06.2008-19.06.2008) [2008]