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Otáhal Antonín
Weight coefficients of maximum pseudo-likelihood estimators for systems of binary random variables with pair interactions
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT'94, p. 209-214
, Eds: Pázman Andrej, Witkovský Viktor,
Mathematical Institute,
(Bratislava 1996)
Tatra Mountains. Mathematical Publications. vol.7 ,
(Smolenice, SK, 30.05.1994-03.06.1994) [1996]
Janžura Martin
Asymptotic normality of the maximum pseudo-likelihood estimate of parameters for Gibbs random fields
Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 119-121
, Eds: Lachout P., Víšek J. Á.,
(Praha 1994)
Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /12./,
(Praha, CZ, 29.08.1994-02.09.1994) [1994]
Lachout Petr
Eficientní odhady a kompenzátor zobecněného bodového procesu
ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF, p. 77-89
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G.,
(Praha 1994)
(Malenovice, CZ, 17.01.1994-21.01.1994) [1994]
Janžura Martin, Otáhal Antonín
Náhodná pole a jejich aplikace
ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF, p. 32-43
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G.,
(Praha 1994)
(Malenovice, CZ, 17.01.1994-21.01.1994) [1994]
Janžura Martin
Asymptotic behaviour of the error probabilities in the pseudo-likelihood ratio test for Gibbs-Markov distributions
Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings, p. 285-296
, Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M.,
(Heidelberg 1994)
Asymptotic Statistics /5./,
(Prague, CZ, 04.09.1993-09.09.1993) [1994]
Boček Pavel, Jílovec Stanislav, Skřivánek Jiří
Tram Traffic Control under Extraordinary Conditions
Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 1371-1376,
(Paris 1993)
European Congress on Systems Science /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 04.10.1993-08.10.1993) [1993]
Janžura Martin
Asymptotic Rényi Distances for Random Fields
Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, p. 432-436
, Eds: Mansson L.,
(Lund 1993)
International Workshop on Information Theory /6./,
(Mölle, SE, 22.08.1993-27.08.1993) [1993]
Janžura Martin, Koski T., Otáhal Antonín
Minimum Entropy of Error Principle in Estimation: A Short Survey
Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, p. 429-431
, Eds: Mansson L.,
(Lund 1993)
International Workshop on Information Theory /6./,
(Mölle, SE, 22.08.1993-27.08.1993) [1993]
Vajda Igor
Maximum Likelihood Estimates and Entropy
Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, p. 425-428
, Eds: Mansson L.,
(Lund 1993)
International Workshop on Information Theory /6./,
(Mölle, SE, 22.08.1993-27.08.1993) [1993]
Janžura Martin
Odhad parametrů v pravděpodobnostních modelech velkých systémů
Sborník prací letní školy JČMF ROBUST '92, p. 75-84
, Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G.,
(Praha 1992)
(Herbertov, CS, 14.09.1992-18.09.1992) [1992]