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Šimberová Stanislava, Haindl Michal, Flusser Jan
Mathematics improves astronomical image understanding
Mathematics and Astronomy: A joint Long Journey, p. 215-221
, Eds: de Leon Manuel, de Diego D.M., Ros R.M.,
Mathematics and astronomy: A joint long journey,
(Madrid, ES, 23.11.2009-17.11.2009) [2010]
Haindl Michal, Šimberová Stanislava
Probabilistic suppression of astronomical image degradations
Modern solar facilities - advanced solar science, p. 127-130
, Eds: Kneer F., Puschmann K.G., Wittmann A.D.,
Modern solar facilities - advanced solar science,
(Göttingen, DE, 27.09.2006-29.09.2006) [2007]