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F. J. Maile

  1. Maile F. J., Filip JiříNew applications for polychromatic effect pigments , Asia Pacific Coatings Journal vol.29, 2 (2016), p. 35-38 [2016] Download

  1. Filip Jiří, Vávra Radomír, Maile F. J., Eibon B.Image-based discrimination and spatial non-uniformity analysis of effect coatings , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2019), p. 683-690, 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, (Praha, CZ, 20190219) [2019] Download
  2. Filip Jiří, Maile F. J.In the search of an ideal measurement geometry for effect coatings , Proceedings of Pigment and Colour Science Forum 2018, Pigment and Color Science Forum, (Boston, US, 20181003) [2018] Download
  3. Filip Jiří, Vávra Radomír, Maile F. J.BRDF Measurement of Highly-Specular Materials using a Goniometer , Proceedings of the 33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics , Eds: Spencer Stephen N., SCCG´17 - 33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017, (Mikulov, CZ, 20170515) [2017] Download DOI: 10.1145/3154353.3154370
  4. Filip Jiří, Maile F. J.Appearance Acquisition and Analysis of Effect Coatings, ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i, (Praha 2017) Research Report 2364 [2017] Download
  5. Filip Jiří, Maile F. J.Appearance Acquisition and Analysis of Effect Coatings , Proceedings of Pigment and Colour Science Forum 2017, Pigment and Colour Science Forum 2017, (Alicante, ES, 20171004) [2017] Download