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M. Tunák

  1. Linka A., Volf Petr, Tunák M.Analysis of breaks in a non-equally load sharing system , Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing, p. 99-101, ALT'2008-- 2nd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing, (Bordeaux, FR, 09.06.2008-11.06.2008) [2008]
  2. Tunák M., Linka A., Volf PetrStochastic simulation of deformation in fabrics as composite reinforcements , Sborník příspěvků 1. konference Centra pro Jakost a spolehlivost, p. 239-249 , Eds: Dohnal  Gejza, REQUEST - 1. konference Centra pro Jakost a spolehlivost, (Praha, CZ, 30.01.2007-01.02.2007) [2007]