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J. Heikkila

  1. Pedone M., Flusser Jan, Heikkila J.Registration of Images with N-fold Dihedral Blur , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol.24, 3 (2015), p. 1036-1045 [2015] Download DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2015.2390977

  1. Rahtu E., Salo M., Heikkila J., Flusser JanGeneralized Affine Moment Invariants for Object Recognition , Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2006, p. 634-637 , Eds: Haralic B., Ho T. K., International Conference on Pattern Recognition /18./, (Hong-Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006) [2006] Download