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F. Smrček

  1. Klán Petr, Maršík Jaroslav, Wilkie J., Gorez R., Smrček F., Krejčí L.Industrial controller ZEPADIG 10 self-tuning and autotuning algorithms , European Control Conference , Eds: Bastin G., Gevers M., EUCA, (Brussels 1997) , ECC '97 /4./, (Brussels, BE, 01.07.1997-04.07.1997) [1997]
  2. Klán Petr, Maršík Jaroslav, Wilkie J., Gorez R., Smrček F., Krejčí L.Controller ZEPADIG 10 Self-Tuning and Autotuning Algorithms. [Abstract] , European Control Conference ECC 97. Final Programme and Paper Summaries, p. TH-A I5, ECC 97, (Brussels, BE, 01.07.1997-04.07.1997) [1997]
  3. Klán Petr, Maršík Jaroslav, Gorez R., Smrček F., Krejčí L., Wilkie J.Self-tuning process controller ZEPADING 10 , Process Control. Proceedings, p. 145-150, University of Pardubice, (Pardubice 1996) , Scientific-technical Conference on Process Control /2./, (Horní Bečva, CZ, 03.06.1996-06.06.1996) [1996]