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K. J. Hunt

  1. Hunt K. J., Šebek Michael, Kučera VladimírH2 Control Problems , Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering, p. 29-55 , Eds: Hunt K. J., P. Peregrinus, (London 1993) IEE Control Engineering Series. vol.49 [1993]

  1. Hunt K. J., Šebek Michael, Kučera VladimírPolynomial solution of the standard multivariable H2-optimal control problem , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.39, 7 (1994), p. 1502-1507 [1994]
  2. Ježek Jan, Hunt K. J.Coupled Polynomial Equations for LQ Control Synthesis and an Algorithm for Solution , International Journal of Control vol.58, 5 (1993), p. 1155-1167 [1993]
  3. Hunt K. J., Kučera VladimírThe Standard H2-Optimal Control Problem: A Polynomial Solution , International Journal of Control vol.56, 1 (1992), p. 245-251 [1992]
  4. Hunt K. J., Kučera Vladimír, Šebek MichaelOptimal Regulation Using Measurement Feedback: A Polynomial Approach , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.37, 5 (1992), p. 682-685 [1992]
  5. Hunt K. J., Šebek MichaelOptimal multivariable regulation with disturbance measurement feedforward , International Journal of Control vol.49, 1 (1989), p. 373-378 [1989]

  1. Hunt K. J., Šebek Michael, Kučera VladimírPolynomial Approach to H2-Optimal Control: The Multivariable Standard Problem , Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1261-1266, IEEE, (New York 1991) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /30./, (Brighton, GB, 11.12.1991-13.12.1991) [1991]
  2. Hunt K. J., Šebek MichaelPolynomial Solution to the Standard LQ-Optimal Control Problem: Scalar Case , Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 813-818 , Eds: Franke D., Kraus F., Pergamon Press, (Oxford 1991) , IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems /1./, (Zurich, CH, 04.09.1991-06.09.1991) [1991]
  3. Kučera Vladimír, Šebek Michael, Hunt K. J.Úloha regulace LQG pro standardní strukturu regulačního obvodu , Zborník prednášok z 8.celoštátnej konferencie Automatizované systémy riadenia technologických procesov v chemickom a potravinárskom priemysle, p. 107-111, Dom techniky ZSVTS, (Košice 1991) , ASRTP '91, (Štrbské Pleso, CS, 09.04.1991-11.04.1991) [1991]
  4. Hunt K. J., Šebek MichaelMultivariable LQG Self-tuning Control with Disturbance Measurement Feedforward , Preprints of the IFAC Conference on Adaptive Systems and Signal Processing, p. -, Strathclyde University, (Glasgow 1989) , IFAC Conference on Adaptive Systems and Signal Processing, (Glasgow, GB, 20.04.1989-22.04.1989) [1989]