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Z. Brzezniak

  1. Brzezniak Z., Goldys B., Ondreját MartinStochastic Geometric Partial Differential Equations , New Trends In Stochastic Analysis And Related Topics - A Volume in Honour of Professor K D Elworthy, p. 1-32 , Eds: Zhao Huaizhong, Truman Aubrey [2011] Download

  1. Brzezniak Z., Ondreját MartinWeak Solutions to Stochastic Wave Equations with Values in Riemannian Manifolds , Communications in Partial Differential Equations vol.36, 9 (2011), p. 1624-1653 [2011] Download DOI: 10.1080/03605302.2011.574243

  1. Brzezniak Z., Ondreját MartinStochastic Geometric Wave Equations , Stochastic Analysis: A Series of Lectures, p. 157-188, Stochastic analysis and applications at the Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, (Lausanne, CH, 09.01.2012-29.6.2012) [2015] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-0348-0909-2_6
  2. Brzezniak Z., Ondreját MartinStochastic wave equations with values in Riemannian manifolds , Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications, p. 1-33, Eighth International Meeting on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications, (Levico, IT, 06.01.2008-12.01.2008) [2010] Download