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Vilém Novák

  1. Novák VilémPreception-besed logical deduction , Computational Inteligence, Theory and Applications, p. 237-250 , Eds: Reusch B. [2005]
  2. Novák VilémFuzzy relation equations with words , Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational Equations: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, p. 167-185 [2004]
  3. Novák VilémZáklady fuzzy modelování, BEN, (Praha 2000) [2000]
  4. Novák Vilém, Perfilieva I.Some consequences of Herbrand and McNaughton theorems in fuzzy logic , Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic, p. 271-295 , Eds: Novák V., Perfilieva I., Physica Verlag, (Heidelberg 2000) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.57 [2000]
  5. Novák VilémFormal theories in fuzzy logic , Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge, p. 213-235 , Eds: Dubois D., Klement E. P., Prade H., Kluwer Academic, (Dordrecht 1999) Applied Logic Series. vol.15 [1999]
  6. Novák Vilém, Perfilieva I., Močkoř J.Mathematical Principles of Fuzzy Logic, Kluwer, (Boston 1999) Engineering and Computer Science. vol.517 [1999]
  7. Novák Vilém, Perfilieva I.Evaluating linguistic expressions and functional fuzzy theories in fuzzy logic , Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 1. Foundations, p. 383-406 , Eds: Zadeh L. A., Kacprzyk J., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1999) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.33 [1999]

  1. Novák VilémDescriptions in the full fuzzy type theory , Neural Network World vol.13, 5 (2003), p. 559-569 [2003]
  2. Gottwald S., Novák VilémAn approach towards consistency degrees of fuzzy theories , International Journal of General Systems vol.29, 4 (2000), p. 499-510 [2000]
  3. Mesiar Radko, Novák VilémOperations fitting triangular-norm-based biresiduation , Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.104, 1 (1999), p. 77-84 [1999]
  4. Novák Vilém, Zorat A., Fedrizzi M.A simple procedure for pattern pre-recognition based on fuzzy logic analysis , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.5, 1 (1997), p. 31-45 [1997]
  5. Novák VilémParadigm, formal properties and limits of fuzzy logic , International Journal of General Systems vol.24, 4 (1996), p. 377-405 [1996]
  6. Novák VilémLinguistically oriented fuzzy logic control and its design , International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.12, p. 263-277 [1995]

  1. Novák VilémFuzzy type theory as higher order fuzzy logic , Proceedings ot fhe 6th International Conference on Inteligent Technologies, p. 21-26, InTech'05 /6./, (Phuket, TH, 14.12.2005-16.12.2005) [2005]
  2. Novák VilémTowards fuzzy type theory , Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, p. 65-70, IEEE Computer Society, (Los Alamitos 2003) , International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic /33./, (Tokyo, JP, 16.05.2003-19.05.2003) [2003]
  3. Novák Vilém, Perfilieva I.Smooth fuzzy logic deduction with words , Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Information Processing: Theories and Applications, p. 599-604 , Eds: Liu Y., Chen G., Ying M., Springer, (Beijing 2003) , Fuzzy Information Processing, (Beijing, CN, 01.03.2003-04.03.2003) [2003]
  4. Novák VilémApproximation abilities of perception-based logical deduction , Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, p. 630-635 , Eds: Wagenknecht M., Hampel R., University of Applied Sciences, (Zittau 2003) , EUSFLAT 2003 /3./, (Zittau, DE, 10.09.2003-12.09.2003) [2003]
  5. Novák Vilém, Perfilieva I.On the consistency of fuzzy theories , Proceedings of the International Congress IFSA '99, p. 1052-1056, Tschigua University, (Taiwan 2000) , IFSA '99, (Taiwan, CN, 17.08.1999-20.08.1999) [2000]
  6. Novák VilémFuzzy algebras as models of fuzzy theories , Proceedings of the 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, p. 43-46 , Eds: Mayor G., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  7. Novák VilémEvaluating linguistic expressions and their role in the design of the fuzzy control strategy , Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, p. 89-94 , Eds: Steele N., Academic Press, (Zürich 1997) , ISFL '97 /2./, (Zürich, CH, 12.02.1997-14.02.1997) [1997]
  8. Bělohlávek R., Novák VilémLearning linguistic context for linguistic oriented fuzzy control , FUZZ/IEEE '97. Proceedings, p. 1167-1172, University of Barcelona, (Barcelona 1997) , FUZZ/IEEE '97, (Barcelona, ES, 01.07.1997-05.07.1997) [1997]
  9. Novák Vilém, Perfilieva I.On logical and algebraic foundations of approximate reasoning , FUZZ/IEEE '97. Proceedings, p. 693-698, University of Barcelona, (Barcelona 1997) , FUZZ/IEEE '97, (Barcelona, ES, 01.07.1997-05.07.1997) [1997]
  10. Novák Vilém, Perfilieva I.On model theory in fuzzy logic in broader sense , European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings, p. 142-147, Mainz, (Aachen 1997) , EUFIT '97 /5./, (Aachen, DE, 08.09.1997-11.09.1997) [1997]
  11. Gottwald S., Novák VilémOn the consistency of fuzzy theories , Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, p. 168-171 , Eds: Mareš M., Mesiar R., Novák V., Ramík J., Stupňanová A., Academia, (Prague 1997) , IFSA '97 /7./, (Prague, CZ, 25.06.1997-29.06.1997) [1997]
  12. Mesiar Radko, Novák VilémOn fitting operations , Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, p. 286-290 , Eds: Mareš M., Mesiar R., Novák V., Ramík J., Stupňanová A., Academia, (Prague 1997) , IFSA '97 /7./, (Prague, CZ, 25.06.1997-29.06.1997) [1997]
  13. Novák VilémIs crucial role in soft computing played by words? , International Panel Conference on Soft and Intelligent Computing. Proceedings, p. 223-228, Technical University, (Budapest 1996) , International Panel Conference on Soft and Intelligent Computing, (Budapest, HU, 07.10.1996-10.10.1996) [1996]
  14. Novák VilémA horizon shifting model of linguistic hedges for approximate reasoning , Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, p. 423-427, IEEE, (New Orleans 1996) , IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy, (New Orleans, US, 08.09.1996-11.09.1996) [1996]
  15. Novák VilémOpen theories in fuzzy logic in narrow sense , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'96. Proceedings, p. 1003-1007, University of Granada, (Granada 1996) , IPMU'96 /6./, (Granada, ES, 01.07.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  16. Novák VilémA transparent model of linguistic trichotomy and hedges , EUFIT '96. Proceedings, p. 35-39 , Eds: Zimmermann H. J., ELITE, (Aachen 1996) , EUFIT '96, (Aachen, DE, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) [1996]
  17. Novák VilémA new proof of completeness of fuzzy logic and some conclusions for approximate reasoning , Transactions of Fuzzy - IEEE/IFES '95, p. 1461-1468, IEEE, (Yokohama 1995) , Fuzzy - IEEE/IFES '95, (Yokohama, JP, 20.03.1995-24.03.1995) [1995]
  18. Novák Vilém, Ivánek J.The position of fuzzy logic in rule-based expert systems , The 6th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, p. 33-35, INPE, (Sao Paulo 1995) , IFSA World Congres /6./, (Sao Paulo, BR, 21.07.1995-28.07.1995) [1995]