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John J. Hench

  1. Hench John J., He C., Kučera Vladimír, Mehrmann V.Dampening controllers via a Riccati equation approach , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.43, 9 (1998), p. 1280-1284 [1998]
  2. Hench John J.A technique for the identification of linear periodic state-space models , International Journal of Control vol.62, 9 (1995), p. 289-301 [1995]
  3. Hench John J.On the periodic quotient singular value decomposition , Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis vol.2, 3 (1994), p. 138-153 [1994]
  4. Hench John J., Kenney C. S., Laub A. J.Methods for the numerical integration of Hamiltonian systems , Circuits Systems and Signal Processing vol.13, 6 (1994), p. 695-732 [1994]
  5. Hench John J., Laub A. J.Numerical solution of the discrete-time periodic Riccati equation , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.39, 6 (1994), p. 1197-1210 [1994]

  1. Hench John J., He C., Mehrmann V.A Note on Damped Algebraic Riccati Equations, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1872 [1996]
  2. Hench John J.Toward a Convergent Entropic Identification Algorithm, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1830 [1995]
  3. Hench John J., He C., Kučera Vladimír, Mehrmann V.Dampening Controllers via a Riccati Equation Approach, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1835 [1995]
  4. Hench John J.Computing the roots of a polynomial using structured matrix techniques , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 245-249 , Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , IEEE Workshop CMP '94, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) [1994]
  5. Hench John J.The Pseudo-Givens Rotation, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1800 [1994]
  6. Hench John J.Special Decompositions via the Periodic Schur and QZ Decompositions, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1774 [1993]
  7. Hench John J.The Quotient Singular Value Decomposition and the Periodic QZ Decomposition, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1775 [1993]
  8. Hench John J.Identification of Linear Periodic State-Space Models, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1767 [1993]