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Best Junior Paper Award

The Director of the Institute in cooperation with the Institute Board announces creation of a regular annual competition for the best publication by young authors – ÚTIA employees. The aim of this competition is to encourage and reward the creation of high-quality scientific works by the Institute's employees in junior categories.


Submitted publications



Basic terms for the purposes of this Competition

Young Author – a Young Author is an employee of the Institute classified as a doctoral or postdoctoral student, or a student at any level of study whose supervisor is another employee of the Institute. The classification valid as of the deadline date for submissions to the Competition is deemed effective.

Main Author - the Main Author of a publication is defined as the author with the most significant contribution. By default, it means the author stated first in the publication authors‘ list. If he/she is listed in a different order, he/she must provide a statement from the first author or his/her supervisor or department head that he/she is considered the Key Author of the respective publication.

Competition Rules

  1. The Competition is open to any work whose Main Author is a Young Author at the same time and which was published in the year of the Competition or in the previous year (i.e., such a year must be stated as the year of publication), is registered in the Institute library, and whose Key Author has a UTIA affiliation. Therefore, all bibliographic details of the work must be provided. Under similar conditions, an application (device, piece of software, etc.) implemented in the current or previous year may also be submitted. The Competition is held in a sole category.
  2. The Main Author submits the work to the Competition. The entry form for the Competition can be completed online at The form requires that a full bibliographic citation of the work must be included. The ARLID identifier, which can be traced via the link provided in the form, is filled in the entry form and the bibliographic data is automatically filled in based on that identifier. If the work is not available on the library website, the complete text of the work in pdf format must be attached to the form and the bibliographic information filled in manually. For applications, the attached pdf document must include a description of the application and an evaluation of its benefits, including a link to a demo or working sample if applicable. In exceptional cases (e.g., for books or applications containing hardware), the requirement for an electronic pdf version may be waived on the basis of its author’s request. A printed version or sample should then be delivered to the Director's Secretariat. Submissions via the online form can be made between 1 September 1 and September 30 each year.
  3. Each author may submit a maximum of one work in one year.
  4. Any work may only be submitted to this Competition in no more than one year (i.e., not repeatedly).
  5. An author who has been employed by the Institute for less than 12 months at the time of the competition deadline (i.e. 30 September) and who meets the criteria of a young main author may submit a work that does not have an Institute affiliation. The submission process is similar to point 2, but without the need to indicate the ARLID.
  6. Exceptionally, a collective work may be submitted to this Competition. In this case, all members of the submitting collective (which is a subset of all authors of the work) must be Young Authors and they must provide a statement (or statements) from the respective supervisor(s) or head(s) of department that these Authors should all be considered the Key Authors of the underlying work and no distinction should be made between the significance levels of their contributions. All such statements of authorship must be submitted electronically to the Director's Secretariat no later than the deadline for the submissions.
  7. The Competition is evaluated by a Committee appointed by the Institute Board. This Committee is chaired by a member of the Board. An integral part of the Competition is the presentation of all of the submitted works at the seminar "Young Authors' Day". The chairperson of the Committee will, well in advance. inform all Young Authors participating in the Competition of the date and requested format of the presentation  The work must be presented solely by the Key Author; proxy presentations are not allowed. A work that has not been presented in the required manner cannot be selected for an award.
  8. The Committee will present to the Director suggestions to award one to five works from among the submitted ones. The Director has the final word in the selection of works for awarding and appointing financial or other prizes.
  9. The award ceremony is usually held at the end of the "Young Authors' Day". The prizes are presented to the awarded Young Authors at this ceremony.
Submitted by marek on