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Department of Image Processing

Publications ÚTIA

The Department is involved in basic research in image processing,  pattern recognition and design and application of AI. Major application areas are biomedicine, farming,  remote sensing, astronomy, and art conservation.

Main scientific areas

  • Recognition of distorted images and patterns by invariant descriptors regardless of their actual position in the scene
  • AI aplications
  • Registration and fusion of several images of the same scene taken at different times, by different sensors and/or from different viewpoints in order to obtain information of higher quality
  • Theory of moment invariants, namely of rotation invariants, affine invariants and invariants to convolution
  • Restoration of degraded images, namely multichannel blind deconvolution, edgepreserving denoising, local contrast enhancement, and color transformations
  • Image forensics - detection of image forgeries
  • Cultural heritage applications - cooperation with art conservators in order to facilitate the conservation and material analysis work
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Ing. Michal Bartoš Ph.D.
RNDr. Jan Blažek Ph.D.
Mgr. Adam Dominec
Ing. Soňa Drocárová
Ing. Šimon Greško
Ing. Vít Hanousek
Mgr. Adam Harmanec
Ing. Jan Havrlant Ph.D.
Ing. Jan Kamenický Ph.D.
Mgr. Tomáš Karella
Ing. Tomáš Kerepecký
Mgr. Jaroslav Knotek
Ing. Václav Košík
RNDr. Jan Kotera Ph.D.
RNDr. Zuzana Kovaříková
Ing. Babak Mahdian Ph.D.
Ing. Adam Novozámský Ph.D.
Bc. Michal Průšek
Ing. Stanislav Saic CSc.
Dr. Ing. Jan Schier
RNDr. Michal Šorel Ph.D.
Dr. Ing. Lubomír Soukup
Doc. Ing. Filip Šroubek Ph.D. DSc.
Ing. Tomáš Suk Ph.D. DSc.
Ing. Milan Talich Ph.D.
Klára Vacková
Doc. RNDr. Barbara Zitová Ph.D.

The President’s Award of the Czech Science Foundation was given to Filip Šroubek for outstanding achievements in the GA CR project "Solving Inverse Problems for the Analysis of Fast Moving Objects" done in collaboration with prof. Jiří Matas from FEL, ČVUT.

Jitka Kostková, a former Ph.D student of Jan Flusser, was awarded by the Antonín Svoboda Award  2020 for the best Ph.D Thesis in Computer Science. The award is presented by the Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (CSKI).

ZOI team Adam Novozámský, Aleš Zita, and Barbara Zitová were awarded the Best Paper 2020 in the category Basic Science in Journal of Voice, Elsevier (IF 1.9) -  Visual and Automatic Evaluation of Vocal Fold Mucosal Waves Through Sharpness of Lateral Peaks in High-Speed Videokymographic Images. Congratulations! 

Ve čtvrtek 26.11. 2020 středoškoláci - stážisté programu Otevřená věda - představili výsledky své práce na konferenci Otevřené vědy a jejich úsilí posoudila odborná porota. V kategorii I. vědní oblast - Neživá příroda se na 1. místě umístil tým vedený Dr. Ing. Janem Schierem z oddělení Zpracování obrazové informace - Marie Šimůnková a Jiří Wolker.

Jitka Kostkova, a PhD student of Jan Flusser, has won the prestigeous Joseph Fourier Prize in Computer Science for her work on invariants of vector fields. The prize is awarded by the French Embassy and ATOS company. Congratulation!

Jan Kotera and Filip Šroubek from the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI), and D. Rozumny and J. Matas from the Czech Technical University in recognition of their outstanding contribution Non-Causal Tracking by Deplatting received the GCPR 2019 Honorable Mention at the 41th German Conference on Pattern Recogntion, Dortmund, September 13, 2019.

Madonna of the Rabbit: Spectral map of blue pigments

Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic awarded Ing. Milan Talich, Ph.D. and his team the main prize for their work „Expert system for monitoring of deformations of hazardous objects and locations“, which was created in cooperation with Geodézie Ledeč nad Sázavou s.r.o. This prestigious contest was established in 1996.
Zuzana Bílková, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI), received the first price in the Cisco Outstanding Thesis Award 2015 competition for her thesis "Segmentation of microscopic images using level set methods" (MFF UK). The supervisor was RNDr. Václav Kučera, Ph.D., MFF UK. The expert consultant of the thesis was Jindřich Soukup, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI).
Dr. Filip Šroubek, Res.Prof. received the scientific title "Research Professor in Physico-Mathematical Sciences" from the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences on October 14, 2015.
Recent advances in microscopy technology have enabled high-resolution imaging of biological processes at the molecular level. However, the dynamic nature of these processes and low signal-to-noise…
The project aims to develop AI/ML models and a theoretical framework to identify and record culturally significant and climate-endangered scents, utilizing internet data for scent valuation. It…
The aim of the project is development of an expert system of digitized automated monitoring of synergic effects of mining, groundwater and surface water on surface deformations in the Kladno…
Current convolutional networks work with inefficient pixel-wise image representation, which
does not provide almost any invariance. This leads to using very large training sets and
This interdisciplinary scientific project aims to examine the creative context of one of Leonardo's most
reproduced subjects: the Salvator Mundi. The ultimate goal is to understand one of…
The project focuses on the protection of video and image content and looks at ways to prevent illegal sharing. It will explore how artificial intelligence methods can circumvent these protections and…
At a time of cloud computing and cyber-physical systems like computer-assisted driving, software complexity is growing faster than the rate of improvement in related quality assurance techniques. The…
The project addresses AI forensic data mining - a new SW platform for detecting objects of interest based on complex spatio-temporal relationships with object attributes and indexed relationships. It…
The project aims at developing a conceptually novel approach to inverse problems by proposing
a unified theory of invariants to integral transformations using projection operators, and…
Řešení automatické analýzy spadu v úlech za účelem detekce Varroa pomocí metod digitálního zpracování obrazu
The main objective of the project is to develop a dairy cow health control system, the ultimate goal of which would be to significantly reduce the use of antibiotics in the treatment and prevention…
Main goal of the project is to develop a new tool for fast and comparatively cheap inspection of bridge structures as a critical part of transport infrastructure, demanding periodic monitoring to…
The aim of the VKG 3.0 project is a new system for the diagnosis of vocal disorders, consisting of a new type of multi-line video camera and data processing software. The camera will allow to capture…
Bilateral cooperation with University of Antwerp: Separating the invisible from the visible: mixture analysis of macroscopic elemental maps of valuable paintings
PROVENANCE is an intermediary-free solution that gives greater control to users of social media and underpins the dynamics of social sharing in values of trust, openness, and fair participation.…
The topic of this project is to develop efficient algorithms for robust image description and for recovering a clear image from its degraded version. By means of moment theory, we demonstrate the…
The proposal falls into the area of computer image analysis and pattern recognition. It is focused on special type of data - multidimensional vector and tensor fields. Vector fields may describe…
Ing. Soňa Drocárová
Mgr. Adam Harmanec
Mgr. Tomáš Karella
Ing. Tomáš Kerepecký
Mgr. Jaroslav Knotek
Ing. Václav Košík
RNDr. Zuzana Kovaříková

Ve dnech 9. až 11. září 2024 se v Ústavu teorie informace a automatizace (ÚTIA) v Praze uskuteční workshop JÁDRO zaměřený na analýzu obrazových dat  v jaderném výzkumu.. Akce je organizována ve spolupráci s Centrem výzkumu Řež a za účasti odborníků z Fyzikálního ústavu AV ČR a Matematicko-fyzikální fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a je určena zejména pro studenty a mladé vědecké pracovníky. Hlavními tématy budou pokročilé metody zpracování obrazu, analýza materiálů a využití umělé inteligence, které jsou klíčové pro vědecký pokrok v jaderném výzkumu.

The Winter School of Image Processing is a popular meeting point of students and researchers involved in image processing research. 22.1. - 26.1. 2014, Mariánská
The Spring School of Image Processing is a popular meeting point of students and researchers from several Czech institutions involved in image processing research as well as guests from abroad. The program of the 2012nd edition of the Spring School of Image Processing will consist mainly of tutorial talks given by organizers from the Department of Image Processing (ÚTIA) and participating Ph.D. students. More about the program you can find on the web of Image Processing Department.

4.6. - 8.6. 2012, Krušné hory, Mariánská.